Kadriah Palace, Get to Know the Traces of the Eternal History of the Kingdom in Pontianak

Kadriah Palace in Pontianak is a historical destination that preserves magnificent architecture, cultural heritage, reflecting the history and pride of the Pontianak Kingdom.
Kadriah Palace, located in Kampung Beting, Kelurahan Dalam Bugis, Pontianak Timur District, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, is one of the historical tourist destinations that holds many stories and heritage from the Pontianak Kingdom.
Built in the 18th century, this palace is not only a magnificent building, but also a symbol of power, culture, and important history for the people of Pontianak. Kadriah Palace stands firmly with the bright yellow color that is the hallmark of the building.
In addition, around the palace there are a number of cannons that were once used to defend the kingdom from external threats. These cannons were also part of the defense tactics carried out by the Sultan of Pontianak at that time.
A Brief History of the Kadariah Palace
Keraton Kadariah or Kadriah Palace, has a history that is closely related to the establishment of the Pontianak Kingdom.
It all started in 1771, when Sayyid Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie, a son of Syarif Hussein bin Ahmed Alqadrie, founded this kingdom after a long journey from various regions of the archipelago.
Sayyid Syarif Abdurrahman, after losing his father in 1770, decided to migrate with his family and look for a new place to settle.
In 1771, they found a very strategic area, namely at the confluence of three rivers: the Landak River, the Kapuas Kecil River, and the Kapuas River. In addition to strategic factors, the decision to establish the Kadariah Palace was also influenced by a unique incident.
Upon his arrival in this area, Sayyid Syarif Abdurrahman fired a cannon shot to exorcise the ghost. As a symbol of the beginning of the kingdom, this cannon shot marked the birth of the Kadariah Palace in the same year.
The construction of this palace took quite a long time, because the building design was complicated and magnificent. The new construction was completed in 1778.
With its architectural beauty combined with its function as a center of government, Keraton Kadariah has become a symbol of the prosperity and greatness of the Pontianak Kingdom.
The Attraction of Kadriah Palace
Kadriah Palace is not just an old building, but also a place that holds many historical and cultural values. Some of the main attractions that make Kadriah Palace so attractive to tourists include:
1. Well-maintained Historical Items
Kadriah Palace holds various historical objects that are still very well maintained. One of them is the “1000 shadows” mirror, which was a gift from the French kingdom, as well as the Sultan’s throne chair which is still maintained in its original state until now.
Every item in this palace has an interesting story and history. If you are confused about the function or origin of these items, there is a tour guide ready to explain all the information you need.
2. Magnificent Architecture Influenced by Malay and Javanese Traditions
The architecture of Kadriah Palace is magnificent, with many influences from Malay and Javanese traditions. The carvings on the walls and other building elements are very intricate and detailed, reflecting the beauty of the art and culture of the time.
The layout of the palace buildings also reflects the hierarchical structure of the kingdom, providing an insight into life within the palace and how power and position were divided within the royal society.
3. Well-Preserved Cultural Heritage
Kadriah Palace is a symbol of the cultural identity of the Pontianak people. In addition, this palace also plays an important role in preserving manuscripts, artifacts and other valuable objects that are part of the region’s cultural heritage.
This palace is not just a historical place, but is also a living and thriving cultural center, preserving the traditions and pride of the local community.
4. Design of the Kadariah Palace Building
Keraton Kadariah has an attractive building design with carefully selected quality wood materials. The renovation and reconstruction process is often carried out to keep the building sturdy and free from damage such as fungus or termites.
The building structure is also designed with attention to functionality, safety, and aesthetics. Inside the palace, there are 13 ancient cannons made by the Portuguese and French.
These cannons were used as a defense system for the kingdom at that time and remain an attraction for tourists visiting the palace. In addition, there is a pulpit that juts out to the front, used by the Sultan of Pontianak to rest or perform religious activities.
Keraton Kadariah also has large windows with a typical French design which adds to the beauty of this building. Many people call it “Thousand Glass” because of the large amount of glass used in the ornaments of this building.
Bright yellow dominates the entire building, giving a cheerful and majestic impression. In addition, inside the palace there is a blue carpet with an extraordinarily beautiful motif, which adds to the luxurious impression inside the palace.
Some of the historical objects on display in this palace include the king’s chair, the king’s clothes, keris, jade table, and various other artifacts that depict royal life in ancient times.
5. Traditional Events Still Held at the Kadariah Palace
One of the main attractions of Keraton Kadariah is the various traditional events and royal traditions that are still carried out to this day. Some of the events held at this palace involve historical objects that are still well maintained.
For example, the Al-Quran used in recitation for royal citizens was written directly by Sultan Abdurrahman. In addition, there are royal wedding ceremonies that are often held in this palace.
Another tradition that is still going on is the baby hair cutting event which is one of the important rituals in the life of the royal community.
There is also a unique event called “tepung tawar”, an event to clean heirloom keris by the heirs of the Pontianak Sultanate in this palace.
These events are not only a symbol of living cultural heritage, but also show how important Keraton Kadariah is in preserving the traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation.
Kadriah Palace in Pontianak is a very valuable tourist destination for those who want to dig deeper into the history and culture of the Pontianak Kingdom.
From its magnificent architecture influenced by Malay and Javanese traditions, to historical relics such as ancient cannons and well-preserved royal items, everything provides a clear picture of life in the past.
This palace not only serves as a historical place, but also as a symbol of pride and cultural identity of the Pontianak people.
For anyone who visits the Ulin Arya House, it will feel as if they have stepped back in time and experienced life in a kingdom full of tradition, strength, and beauty.