10 Home Remedies For The Treatment Of Obesity

10 Home Remedies For The Treatment Of Obesity

Obesity leads to health problems. It is not a cosmetic issue. Fat accumulation is a type of disorder that you can battle with home remedies. Body Mass Index (BMI) is measured to determine the fat content in the body. A BMI measure that exceeds 25 is said to be an obesity issue. There are many reasons that people deal with obesity. One of them is a poor lifestyle and habits that people inculcate which leads to these issues. Other than lifestyle habits, hormonal and genetic issues can also lead to obesity. To get started with battling with obesity, it is good to adopt healthy lifestyle and habits. These are natural remedies that burn fat and give you a toned body. This is how you lose fat at home without exercise.

Vitamin rich lemon juice

You can make this at the ease of your home and reduce weight. Lemon has vitamins B and C, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and citric acid that burn fat and keep you healthy even after losing weight. Lemon juice also flushes toxins out of the body which reduces weight further.

To make losing weight effective mix honey and a pinch of black pepper powder with lemon juice and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. This is an Indian home remedy to lose weight fast.

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Apple cider vinegar fights obesity

Apple cider vinegar is one of the quick weight loss home remedies. Before breakfast, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it. It breaks down the fat content and helps in reducing weight. Add lemon juice as well if you like as this mix is effective to reduce weight.

Aloe vera juice to stimulate metabolism

Aloe vera juice shakes up unused fat in the body and converts it into energy. Not only will you shed weight but also feel energetic after you lose weight. Aloe vera has multiple health benefits that makes it a healing plant useful for fighting obesity. To make aloe vera juice, remove the pulp from the leave and blend it with citrus or grapefruit juice. Drink this juice daily at least for a month to see the results and this is how to reduce obesity naturally.

Green tea daily

Green tea is a natural remedy for reducing weight. It contains a compound called EGCG and has multiple nutrients that reduce weight and burn fat. You can add ginger and cayenne pepper to green tea to reduce weight effectively. This is an effective home remedy for weight loss in 2 weeks.

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Cayenne pepper burns fat

Find quick weight loss home remedies through cayenne pepper. Capsaicin in cayenne pepper burns fat and boosts metabolism in the body. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper in tea and drink it. You can also add cayenne pepper to lemon juice and drink it. You can also add a pinch of this spice along with ginger and black pepper to meal preparations.

Eat tomatoes on an empty stomach

Tomatoes are vitamins and nutrients rich. Eat a few tomatoes daily on an empty stomach. Use them in cooking as well. It not only helps in reducing fat but also is antioxidant rich that reduces free radicals in the body. Eating tomatoes daily is not only beneficial for reducing weight but also for your overall health.


Honey has anti-inflammatory properties that detoxify your body and boost metabolism while eliminating calories from your body. Mix honey in lemon juice or warm water and drink it on empty stomach to lose weight.


Use cinnamon in tea and food preparations to see the effects of losing weight. Those who are emotional eaters and binge on overeating must add cinnamon to their diet to battle this problem. Cinnamon prevents food cravings and overeating problems. You can mix a pinch of cinnamon and honey in hot water and drink it on empty stomach.

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Cabbage snacking

Forget fried foods and snack on cabbage. Make sauerkraut, pickle it, or use it in salads. Cabbage has ascorbic acid and many nutrients that fight obesity and keep many chronic ailments like cancer at bay. It also cures hormonal imbalance that is usually responsible for weight gain. The tartaric acid in cabbage prevents fat storage in the body that is consumed from sugar and carbohydrates. This is a home remedy to help you reduce weight in 7 days.


Leptin is a hormone that is associated with weight loss. Fennel decreases leptin inside the body. Fennel has antioxidant and diuretic properties that eliminates water retention in the body reducing weight. Use fennel in tea and drink it before meals. Roast and grind fennel and make a powder. Use this power in hot water, seep it and drink it to reduce weight.

You might not like to hit the gym and combine 15 minutes of daily exercise with these home remedies to battle weight loss and obesity. Rustle them up and use these remedies daily. Avoid eating fried and canned foods when you use these remedies.